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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not...God's Real Promises...

"He Loves Me...He loves me not"...I am sure at one point in our teenage lives we have all picked the petals of a flower until the last one was left...telling our fate of where our recent crush stood with us. If the one left was "he loves me not"...we would be so devastated...and if you were like me...you would just throw that flower out and begin again with a new one! :)

But I wonder how many of us do this same thing with God...maybe you get that He loves you...but maybe some of you...like me struggle with God actually coming through on His promises. You have faith but in the bottom of your heart you have that flower...just a picking away and saying "He will do this...He won't do this". Ladies...if God gives you a promise...you can take it to the bank! All we are called to do is TRUST in Him...his Word...and His promises He gives us through His Word.

To be quite honest...I was almost to the point of started to doubt one particular promise God had given me through scripture with my recent illness. It had been a long and difficult road and the constant pain and struggles were getting the best of me. But God in His mercy didn't let me go flower picking all too soon...and stepped in just in the nick of time.

Just recently I was asked by my friend Shelley Hendrix to guest write a devotion for her ministry's blog site. It was a total honor and little did I know how it would bless my socks off.

When I wrote the devotion...I had no idea when it would be published. The devotion was on how God has so sweetly spoken promises to me over the course of my illness...one of which I felt the Lord would "restore" my health...maybe not completely heal...but at least I knew that better days were coming!

This past Monday I was scheduled to see my specialist about possible future treatments of chemo...as up until that point I had not been improving as they had hoped. When I arrived to that appointment...I had been feeling somewhat better the past few days...but did not know the official results of my tests. Needless to say...God's promise came through in a very big way...when the Doctor told me that my test show improvement...meaning that I did not have to start the chemo treatment!!!

As we drove home I was checking my email and saw that my devotion had been published that morning...and began to tear up. On the very same day that I was telling people about His promises...God decided to SHOW me His promise to me did come true! He is restoring my health...I am getting better! So if God tells you something...get ready...because it is going to happen. You may not know when...or exactly how...but it will come to be! It is all about TRUST people!

Okay...well...have a read (see link below)...I hope you enjoy it and I would LOVE to hear from you all on how God has revealed His promises to you! Love to you all!
