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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No More Wiggle Room-Learning to Be Still and Know that He is God!

The most favorite time of mine in Ireland was not the events I did...but my time spent on the Logos Hope...just sharing about Jesus with others face to face!

Me at the GO conference-just before officially starting work with Ireland. I remember being so tired in this picture it was insane! But I kept telling myself to "push through the pain".

I was ready to take on the world and take what I had learned about events to Ireland and beyond!

I became "busy" straight away...and was planning "good things" despite my lack of total reliance on God!

I am now learning the true meaning of "Being Still" and I am so at peace for the first time in a very long time!

As a young child I loved to “plan” things. I can remember getting ready to go on vacation with my family and insisting on taking a little extra time in packing my Barbie’s so that I could plan a perfect vacation for them as well. I would think about what parties they would need to attend, what they would need to cook, wear, drive (a convertible of course if we were going to the beach). Needless to say I about drove my mom and everyone else nuts…but still I remember just feeling I had to plan things out for my faithful friends….and worked and worked until I had a box packed up and ready to go for our trip.

I also remember as a young girl watching my mom plan and coordinate the local high school’s prom each year. She was the home economics teacher of the school and was very skilled at what she did. I would sit in amazement as she picked out the decorations based on the theme, planned the menu, and coordinate teams to execute with precision how to make it all happen. She was delegating left and right and people were well prepared and excited to do what they were doing. Every person had a little part to do which meant they could handle it and not be too burdened. At the end of the day with everyone doing their little part…the “big part” was done and there stood a room decorated from floor to ceiling with the most sparkling beautiful things you would ever see….it sent a rush through my body. I remember just sitting on the floor looking around and thinking…I want to do this one day!

Fast forward twenty-five years later…I am now an accomplished Event planner with many events under my belt. I have worked for major corporations in the States where I had half-million dollar budgets to plan with at my fingertips. Shortly after becoming a believer at age 28, I moved from the cooperate world to Ministry. It was a new world for me…but just the same I transferred “my knowledge” of how to plan events right on over…but in the beginning really sought God’s wisdom and relied on Him…and things were happening in a big way. I was part of major Christian conferences and concerts that touched thousands around the world…I was sought after by many Christian organizations to plan their events as well.

I remember even being so excited to use my skills that I surrendered to full time mission work…thinking “there are many skilled people here in the States that can do what I do for Him here…but not so many over seas. That is where I can serve Him best”. It was the beginning of my downfall. Not the part about going into missions…I know that was in deed a calling in my life…but the part about “what I could do for Him”.

You see by this time…I thought I knew it all…and did know quite a bit by industry standards. I still felt the rush of calling together those productions meetings and delegating all the little things to people… and them walking away feeling pumped and equipped that they could do their part. I had learned well from my mama. I also loved the excitement of what I referred to as “game day”…the day the event was actually happening. The adrenaline would rush through my body as I made sure every detail was in place and was there for any last minute “oops” that would come my way…batting it away like an annoying fly as I came up with a solution. I was in my element.

But things started to fall apart…sitting in a bedroom all alone in a foreign country…I was miserable. Now there were some other factors or arrows I like to call them…that the enemy threw in and opened up the crack in the door and let himself in. Although it was a sweet pioneering ministry I was part of overseas, it lacked on many areas of accountability, resources, ability to put people in an area God gifted them over just putting a body in a position because it needed to get done…and rest…there just wasn’t enough people to do the work…which we kept generating. Notice I said “we”…and I mean “me” as the chief culprit a lot of the times. Now I am not blaming this ministry…I take my own responsibility…but it paints a picture of the door that was open for the enemy to do his work and set his bait traps…which I of course took!

Many pioneering ministries strive to get out there and become a known resource to the public…they tend to have many activities. I love how one person put it. “You can do many things good or a few things great”. We were doing many things…and much of the time, for me at least…in my own strength. So needless to say…burnout was a town I was about to drive through and did. By the end of my first year in this ministry, I was wanting out all together, bruised and battered…leery of anyone who had “another great idea for something big for God”. I was done…and ready to pack up my planning tools.

But God through His grace did not let me fall flat on my face…yet. I did have a wonderful surprise as I did meet the man I would marry at one of these conferences. To this day he is such a helpmate and good gage of the “Mary is doing this in her own strength” reader. I thank God for this gift…it was and is a good gift from Him! But once again…I thought…okay…now we are getting married…and since we both are in events (J does camera work for events)…I thought surely we can now do MORE for the Lord as we come together. It temporarily gave me a high to want to continue on doing events. And the best part…now I would be doing them for the international office of our ministry (as that is where J was working).

Of course my brain started firing about how I could become a trainer and even equip others to do what I do. I could start a central coordinating team to go and reach out to the other fields within our ministries (over 110 countries). “This will be such a help to everyone it just HAS to be a good plan!”…I thought to myself. Well it all sounded good and exciting at the time…but looking back…I was still in “I” mode…I was making a plan and then asking the Lord to bless it! I remember reading over versus at the time like… To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue. –Proverbs 16:1 and… Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. –Proverbs 19:21 I would always cringe a little inside when I read these versus…as I look back…probably was the Holy Spirit screaming “um did you consult God” or “watch out!”. But never the less…I was back in my room “packing up my plans” for future ministry…one that would make my work for Him even bigger than before. It was the beginning of me crawling to the top of a steep set of stairs…in which I would eventually fall down…and God would and did let it happen eventually.

Right after getting married I moved with my new husband to the UK…and started working to develop a new international event-planning ministry. We did everything they say not to do…we had just got married, moved countries, and started a new job…all within a 3 month span. I started feeling tired…not your normal oh I just moved houses…so I am tired…but more the “I can’t get out of bed tired”. My joints and body ached so bad I could not lift my arms at times…literally. I became inadated every morning with hives head to toe and headaches so bad that I could not even open my eyes. Strangely I had similar symptoms three years earlier…during another very busy time in my life…but they subsided after about six months so I never really thought much more about it. But this time it was back with a vengeance. A new symptom but very visible and embarrassing one for me…my hair was falling out and I a bright red and raised rash across my cheeks and nose! Not exactly an ego booster when you are a newly wed and wanting to look your best for your new husband!

So off to the Doctor I went. After many test and doctor visits to specialist…and from past symptoms I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus. This is an autoimmune disease where the antibodies in your body that are there to protect you from bad cells such as germs…are confused for some unknown reason and they attack other healthy cells such as skin, hair, joints, and in some cases even the organs such as your heart, lungs, and kidneys. There is no cure for Lupus, however it is a manageable disease…with use of medication to treat the symptoms only…which meant I would have to be on medicines for potentially the rest of my life. It also requires that you try to eliminate as much stress in your life and rest…even though stress is not the cause for the disease (meaning I did not do this to myself…although some seemed to hint towards this…which you will get by the way when you have any lifelong disease (people knowing how you got it more than you, the doctors, and God… and judging you)…don’t get me started. But stress does seem to escalate it.

So we informed the leaders and after much discussion and prayer we all decided it would be better for me to take a break…a leave of absence to try to heal. Keep in mind there is no cure…but to just try and rest. My final meeting with the bosses I was informed to “stop wiggling” and “be still and Know that He is God”. I was uneasy…as I didn ‘t know how to be still…I had been working for so many years in my own strength. But I was confused. I thought…Lord…didn’t you want me to do this great work for you…and now I can’t even get out of bed to go to work to do anything!

My disease may have had me temporarily side lined…but the bigger battle I was facing was that of learning how to be Still and listening to God. I had many pity parties and went through all the stages of grief…as I was losing so much…my old self…how I could go for days without rest working an event…now I couldn’t even go a day without a long nap. I was grieving the get up and go spontaneous person I once was. I was grieving the reliable person I was to do whatever someone asked…no matter if it was about to kill me. I went through anger…now never blaming God but asking “why”? I went through denial…no this isn’t happening…if I push through the pain…eat this type of diet…do this type of exercise…I should be back on track by this date and ready to continue with my plans.

Finally I ran out of emotions…that is the only way I can describe it. I ran out of desires…I was finally coming to a place of rest…and it took a while…several months…even still learning. But I was coming to the realization that I was doing so much in my own strength…that I wasn’t relying on God nor taking the time to hear from Him as to what it was he wanted Him to do through me. I had put all my eggs in one basket in the ministry world and so much pressure on myself to do big things for God…that He never asked me to do. I was placing the things I could do for Him above just being with Him and resting in Him. I had made my own idol and it was to my own wants and desires…although good…they weren’t God’s ultimate desire for me. I was dying…not of the disease…but of myself.

Suddenly His word starting having new meaning to me…it was if I was visiting an old friend. I started having a heart to read prayer email…something I must admit in my frantic times, I did not do…as I was “too busy”. I took time to pray over the requests…I took the time to contact people just because and let them know I was thinking of them. Before I had very little time for people…and remember getting voicemails which most started off by saying “Mary I know you are extremely busy…but if you could call me back”.

Another scary but freeing thing also happened…I started to lose the desire to plan events. The thought of keeping this special intimate time with just me and God was so overwhelmingly a part of the new me…that I didn’t want anything else to take the place of it. I remember listening to a story of Phil Vischer the creator of Veggie Tales…and how his company had fallen apart after many poor business decisions and ultimately a law suite that sent them into bankruptcy. He said it was bad decision but God also allowed him to see it was his own idols of self-desires to do good for Him that led him there as well. The part that just sent a dagger to my heart was when he said “Until you are ready to do NOTHING for God and rest in your relationship with Him alone...you really aren't ready to do anything for God" I thought…wow…that is where I am. So I knew that healing was on the way...I was in a good place…a place of brokenness where the Maker could fill me again with good things and His desires.

That is where I am today…healing…in more than one way. I don’t know if He will give me back my dreams…not sure if I even want them anymore. All I know is I just want to “be with Him”…wherever that is…whether one day perhaps building that ministry to train others to do events…or just sitting in my home…leading a life of intercessory prayer for others. I am learning a new “Mary” and feel in many ways I am starting over. But I like this Mary…she is more like the Mary in the Bible that sat at Jesus’ feet to listen. See I used to be the “Martha”…busy, busy, busy….too busy to even hear God. Now I know I am in a good place…and I don’t know what the future holds…but that is okay. I am sitting still at the feet of Jesus…I have stopped wiggling…and just listening to the Father.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

We are coming to NL!!!!

I will be getting a bike while in Holland...and re-learning how to ride it! Many people have bikes instead of cars as their main form of travel!

Our Wonderful Home Front Committee...who have graciously made speaking engagements and provided a car for us while in NL!

Our Home Church in NL-Great church! We will be speaking here!

We are looking forward to spending time with Family in NL!

J and I love Holland...it holds a special place in our hearts...as it is where we got engaged!

Nog even een update van Team MoJo

Conferentie Update:

Nadat we de uitslag kregen van de dokter, hebben we een overleg gehad met onze leiders. Mary zal tijdelijk het werk neer gaan leggen om te rusten en om zich over te geven aan de liefdevolle zorg van de Vader. Dit betekent dat Mary deze zomer niet zal meewerken aan de zomerconferenties (onregelmatige werktijden, vaak laat naar bed, eten met veel halffabrikaten erin verwerkt…allemaal dingen die de doktoren Mary sterk afgeraden hebben). In spetember zal Mary de specialist weer bezoeken en zullen we opnieuw de situatie evalueren. Het gaat nu iets beter nu ze het speciale dieet volgt, meer lichaamsbeweging krijgt en rust. We bidden dat Mary straks weer zonder medicatie en zonder ziekteverschijnselen zal kunnen leven.

Mary was uiteraard teleurgesteld in het feit dat zij en Jacco tijdens de conferentie een tijdje niet bij elkaar kunnen zijn. Maar we zijn ontzettend blij met het aanbod van het team om Mary de kans te geven om naar Nederland te komen in de periode dat Jacco daar met de conferenties bezig is. Ze gaat meerijden met de teambus die naar Duitsland zal afreizen. Ze hoopt dat ze samen met haar schoonfamilie een dag of twee naar de conferenties zal gaan, zodat iedereen kan zien wat Jacco aan het doen is.

Schedule Update:

25 July-5 September (de tijd dat Mary in NL is)
Mary zal zonder Jacco in NL arriveren. Het OMNIvision team zal haar voor TS afleveren bij Jacco’s familie. Ze kijkt er naar uit om deze unieke tijd met hun door te brengen. Ze leert zelfs Nederlands op dit moment, dus dat kan ze dan mooi oefenen in deze periode.

9 Aug-5 Sept (MoJo's tijd samen in NL)
Dit zal vooral vakantietijd zijn (Jacco komt terug van een drukke conferentieperiode) Maar het zal ook een tijd zijn om weer bij het thuisfrontcomite te zjin, familie en kerken.

De data en plaatsen waar we presentaties zullen houden:

      • 18 Aug
        • in Emmeloord

        • 20.00-22.00
      • 20-23 Aug

        • MoJo presentatie in de kerk in Zaventem (Belgie)
      • 25 Aug
        • in Marknesse

        • 20.00-22.00

*** evt. mogelijk om te spreken in de thuiskerk:

      • 15 Aug

Hieronder de periode die we "afschermen" omdat we al andere afspraken hebben of als rust gebruiken:
9-14 Aug- Jacco bijkomen van TS

  • 25-29 Aug-MoJo bij trouwerij van Mary’s vriendin in Zwitserland
  • Elke maandag: de maandagen gebruiken we als vaste dag voor ons tweeen
  • 30 Aug-5 Sept-tijd met familie om weer afscheid te nemen

Onze accomodaties:
We zijn met een huis gezegend door Jacco’s ouders want we mogen de hele periode in Nederland van hun woning gebruikmaken (Steenwijk). Zij zullen deze periode op het huis van vrienden passen. We zijn ook erg blij dat we een huurauto mogen gebruiken.

We kunnen niet wachten om jullie allemaal weer te zien en jullie de trouwvideo te laten zien (maak je geen zorgen het zijn slechts de highlights en niet de hele video ;)

We bidden dat velen de reddende Boodschap van Christus zullen leren kennen deze zomer, dat Jezus verhoogd zal worden door onze levens tijdens dit drukkerseizoen. Aan Hem komt de glorie toe...we hebben echt zin om weer ‘te doen , wat wij nu eenmaal doen voor Hem’

Mary and Jacco

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Update on Health-God is Enough!

Me and J-loving being newlyweds!

We have REAL friends! Meet Andy and Esther...he works for the British Government (No...not James Bond!) and she owns her own business as a textile weaver! We met them at our church and have grown to be good friends!

J "standing"...he is such a great helper and always encouraging!

I praise God that He is sufficient...He is all I need!

Blessings sweet friends and family! First of all...thank you for all of your prayers and sweet words of encouragement to me and J. As many of you know I was recently diagnosed with Systemic Lupus (an incurable autoimmune disease that attacks your organs). After waiting six weeks, this past week we finally saw a Lupus specialist who put the final "stamp" on what we already knew was inevitable...I do in deed have Lupus. He was very kind and took the time to answer all of our questions (I had a typed out list)! He was very positive that I would come out of the flare at some point in the future and was able to switch me from a very harsh drug I was on to protect my organs...to a new drug that will not have so many ill side-effects. He also was very positive about us trying for children when I am in remission.

You know...this week marks my 6th year spiritual Birthday. It represents a time in my life when I repented of my sins and put my faith in Jesus Christ. It was a free gift...and for those of you who know me well...I LOVE gifts! Recently I have been doing a lot of thinking about the Christian life...and when you become a born again believer...what happens with your life? Are you promised that good things will happen and that everything will go perfect in life? Although our father loves to give us gifts...we are not promised that this life will be smooth.

No-in fact we are told the opposite. Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.-Luke 9:23 (one of the first scriptures I memorized by the way).

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33

But the important thing is learning to praise Him in the good AND the bad times. We are learning that...and it is such a sweet time...a good time. Now we are not super spiritual and don't get me wrong...I still have some pitty parties from time to time...but it is our prayer that we will walk through this time and truly be able to say Blessed be your name!

Please continue to pray with us for healing if it is the Lord's will. Also for divine appointments with the health staff we encounter. The first time I open my mouth...I get "well that's not a british accent...what brings you here?" So lot's of opportunities to share about what we do and why we do it. Also please pray for encouragement when we need it-some days are lower than others. And finally please pray for wisdom as J and I look at ME possibly taking some time off for the next few months to heal and just be in the loving care of the Father.

We love you all and thank God for you in our lives!