These are strange days to say the least. There's a new virus in town and it's not playing nice. Unless you have been under a rock or in the middle of Kansas, as they jokingly say here in the States, you have heard about the Coronavirus Pandemic. We have been told to buckle down. Large scale events have been canceled. Schools across the nations are closing-some for the rest of the semester. Sports events are happening with no audiences allowed. Even churches are having services on line only.
For the first time in my forty-four years of life the food is scarce in the stores and on just about every street corner you will see an officer of the peace. We are in a nationwide state of emergency. People are just shy of panic.
Yet even in the midst of such a pandemic...there is a growing sense of hope arising. Neighbors are checking on each other. Kids are outside running around-playing just like the old days-no electronic device in sight. Something that is supposed to keep us further apart (physically), actually has begun to pull us back together. No matter your race-whether you are a Democrat-Republican, Homosexual-Heterosexual, Rich-Poor, Born Again Christian-Atheist...the virus has no favorites...and we all know that. It's as if, for a brief moment in time, we're all on the same side, fighting the virus side by side. Its as if we now see each other as we were truly meant to...fearfully and wonderfully made. We are frail yet we are strong. We have gone back to our routes...We are United.
This picture sums up the spirit here in America in the midst of the pandemic. Two best friends playing a game of catch, under Old Glory. No worries, simply enjoying life. United we stand!
Philippians 2:1-3
Imitate Christ
Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort in love, any sharing in the Spirit, any sympathy, complete my joy by thinking the same way, having the same love, being united, and agreeing with each other. Don’t do anything for selfish purposes, but with humility think of others as better than yourselves.
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