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Sunday, November 2, 2008

If We are the Body...SWEET CONVICTION

This weekend marked a "sweet conviction" moment for me. Kind of like what you see on the V8 drink commercials where someone gets hit up side the head...when they realize they should have chosen the healthy choice (the V8) instead of the bad choice they made. You see, it was going to be the most marvelous weekend...spent with precious friends and an encouraging time of getting to meet up with the group Casting Crowns.  They were playing in Belfast for the weekend, and thanks to my friend Tony Nolan...me and my friends/coworkers were able to go backstage to meet them.  It was such a special time...I was especially excited for those with me to meet the band. For them to see how humble and real the group is...was a blessing for me!!! Casting Crowns ROCKS by the way!

So after our "high" of being backstage...we were escorted to our seats in the arena.  As the lights dimmed and the music began to play...my eyes began to fill up with tears.  You see...I have been blessed not to have too much homesickness...but at that moment...I was missing my former job...working with such great artists like these...and also just how much I took for granted having great praise and worship music all around me.  But...moving on from my pitty party with balloons moment...I got over it and was able to appreciate the little present that God had given me that night.  

We traveled with a group of young adult Christians (about 25 people) all from Co Donnegal area...I know you USA folks probably don't know where that is...but just think...the north part of the country of Ireland.  After the concert our group was herded out of the arena...I do mean herded like cows...and then ended up in an mall looking building.  As I got my bearings of where we were...I began to notice it was quite a different scene than where we just were. 

See...it was Halloween night...close to midnight...and the place was packed with people who were falling down because they had a little too much to drink to say the least...and also... a plethora of vulgar costumes. My first reaction was "yuck...I want to go back where I was...it was so much more comfortable to me there".  I just sat and starred at these people...and I have to give the "none Sunday school answer" here...I was disgusted with what I saw and my second reaction was to think..."these sad people...glad I'm not like that anymore".  Enter...the bus picks us up.

Okay...so whew....I am out of that situation.  Now I am more comfortable...I think.  As the bus pulled away I looked around me with all these happy Christians talking about what an awesome time they had. But my heart sank as I turned my head to look outside the bus.  There were all of these lost and lonely people.  I was screaming inside..."wait...why didn't we talk to them?".  I instantly remembered the encore song that Casting Crowns sang..."If we are the body...why aren't His arms reaching, why aren't his hands healing, why aren't His words teaching...why His love not showing them there is a way?"  I began to sob and knew that I had missed it.  I had just walked out of an awesome concert in which I was reminded of my purpose here...and God gave me an awesome opportunity to go and share His love with others.  There were 25 Christians all standing in the middle of this room full of people who most likely do not know the love of Christ...and all we could do is just sit there and...for me personally...be judgmental...I blew it!  I asked God to forgive me and thanked Him for a lesson well learned.  

This is not what you probably would expect to hear from a missionary on the field...but I believe in being honest...and that we can learn from our mistakes.  It was a sweet conviction...by that I mean...even though I knew I had made the wrong choice...I knew that God forgives and it revived my calling to be in Ireland again! (In vision Mary getting hit upside the head now...for her ah ha (V8) moment!)

So I challenge you sweet readers to know that God calls us wherever we are to be that Body of Christ...to be an extension of His hands and feet...to share His love.  If we are not careful...we will become comfortable with our Christian bubbles and not want to go out to those who Jesus went out to...those different from us.  Just curious if any of you readers out there have ever had a "V8" moment like this where God gave you a sweet conviction...I would love to hear from you!

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